What to Expect
Our worship centers around God’s Word and sacraments, the tools He uses to give us spiritual strength. Through the words of Scripture and the sacrament of Holy Communion, God freely offers us the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.
Our services are about an hour and fifteen minutes long, give or take ten minutes. Our worship is liturgical, meaning that it follows a similar pattern each week. The entire worship service is laid out in the bulletin so you can follow along. (The greeter will be sure to get you one.) The liturgy includes spoken responses, sung responses, Scripture readings, hymns and other short songs, and is highlighted by a sermon from the pastor, usually 20 minutes long.
Our service is liturgical, following a set order of worship every week from the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW). Music is an important part of our worship. We sing hymns that express our thanks to God for his wonderful salvation. The hymns that we sing remind us of the many wonderful things our Savior has done for us.
Holy Communion
All are welcome to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood who are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and believe that Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is truly present in, with and under the forms of bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.
Bread is received in the open palm. Grape juice is available for those who wish to abstain from wine. For those unable to consume either bread or wine, the Church affirms the Lord’’s full presence in each element alone.
Typically, communion administration occurs by tables at the communion rail. The ushers will guide you to the rail. To receive the elements, extend your hand, palm up, to the ministers. White grape juice is available in the center of the trays. For those unable to consume either bread or wine, the Church affirms the Lord’’s full presence in each element alone. Once you have received the elements, wait for the Table Blessings, then return to your seat by the side aisles.
We welcome those not communing for a blessing during the distribution. Simply come forward and cross your arms over your chest, indicating that you’d like to receive a blessing. Young children, not yet receiving Communion, may receive a blessing. If you are unable to come forward, please notify the ushers and communion will be brought to you.
What to Wear
Those who attend worship at Peace can be seen in a wide range of clothing, from Sunday best, to business casual, to everyday casual. The important thing to remember is you are going to church to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed.
If you wish to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith, Lutheranism, or Peace Lutheran Church, our pastor will gladly meet with you.