Pastor Patrick’s Perspective: May 2024

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness, that the man [and woman] of God may be complete,
equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3: 16-17 ESV)

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

God has been good and merciful to us. Easter will soon be over, but Christ remains the resurrected one. The Bible is a huge part of who we are at Peace Lutheran. We have a Bible in the pews; many of us carry a Bible to the service. We read from the Bible as a part of our service. Our liturgy is based upon the Bible and quotes it often. Both our adult Sunday school classes and youth classes use the Bible as the primary source of their study.

Of course, this is part of who we are. As a congregation in the NALC, we have a strong view of the Scriptures and the role they play in our lives. As a NALC congregation, Peace Lutheran confesses…

“We confess… The canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God. Inspired by the Holy Spirit speaking through their authors, they record and announce God’s revelation centering in Jesus Christ. Through them the Holy Spirit speaks to us to create and sustain Christian faith and fellowship for service in the world.”

“We confess… The canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith and life, ‘according to which all doctrines should and must be judged.’”

“We believe and confess that the Bible is God’s revealed Word to us, spoken in Law and Gospel. The Bible is the final authority for us in all matters of our faith and life.”

This is important for who we are. We can turn to the holy words for wisdom, comfort and hope. It will change our lives. God works through the written page to call us to repentance and give us his blessings of forgiveness, faith, and hope.

The Lord has richly blessed us with his Holy Word. We should spend time with it and learn of the Lord’s great mercy and grace for us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.