Pastor Patrick’s Perspective: July 2024

Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight.” (Psalm 119:77 ESV)

Mercy is God’s loving-kindness and compassion toward us. It is not something we earn or deserve; it is freely given by our gracious God. In our sin and weakness, we recognize our need for God’s mercy. It is His mercy that sustains us, forgives us, and brings us life. Without God’s mercy, we are lost. Through His mercy, we are given new life in Christ. We are passive recipients of this divine mercy, which flows abundantly from our Lord.

The purpose of receiving God’s mercy is life. This life is not just physical existence but spiritual vitality. Through God’s mercy, we are brought from death to life. This new life in Christ is characterized by peace, joy, and hope. It is a life lived in the light of God’s grace and love. Our very existence and every breath depend on His mercy.

Throughout Psalm 119, the psalmist declares his delight in God’s law. The law here is not just a set of rules but the entire way of life with the Lord. It is His Word that guides us, teaches us, and shows us His will. To delight in God’s law is to find joy in His commands, to treasure His teachings, and to be eager to follow His ways. This delight is a response to God’s mercy. Because we have been shown mercy, we are drawn to love and cherish His Word.

In our daily lives, let us pray for God’s mercy, acknowledging our dependence on Him. Let us also immerse ourselves in His Word, finding delight in His teachings. By doing so, we live in the joy and peace that comes from knowing and loving our merciful God.

Gracious and merciful God, we come before You in need of Your mercy. Let Your mercy come to us, that we may live. Fill us with Your Spirit, that we may delight in Your law. Teach us to love Your Word and to walk in Your ways. Thank You for the new life we have in Christ. In His holy name, we pray. Amen.