“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)
Christ is risen. Alleluia, he is risen indeed.
The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, may be over, but the season of Easter last a full seven weeks, until Pentecost.
Our hearts are still with the wonder of Christ’s resurrection. We rejoice in the victory of our Savior over sin and death, and we marvel at the new life he offers to all who believe. Yet, amidst the joy of the resurrection, it’s easy to overlook the profound significance of each new morning.
Just as the rising sun marks the beginning of a new day, the empty tomb represents a fresh start for humanity. The empty tomb reminds us that through Christ, we are made new creatures, with the old passing away and the new coming forth. In its emptiness, we find the fullness of God’s love and mercy, offering us forgiveness, reconciliation, and the hope of eternal life. Just as the tomb was emptied on that first Easter morning, so too are our lives transformed by the power of Christ’s resurrection.
Just as the rising sun ushers in a new day, so too does the resurrection of Jesus usher in a new era of hope and renewal. Through his death and resurrection, Christ has not only secured our salvation but has also ushered in a new reality—a reality where sin is defeated, death is conquered, and every morning brings with it the promise of new beginnings.
Each morning, God pours forth His boundless love and faithfulness, granting us the opportunity to experience afresh His abundant grace. Take comfort knowing that no matter what challenges or struggles you face, God’s mercies are renewed every morning. His faithfulness never wavers, and his love never fails. Alleluia.
Gracious Lord, thank you for the gift of new life made possible through the resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for the newness of each morning, knowing that your mercies are renewed afresh with the dawn. Grant us grace to walk in the light of your love and faithfulness, rejoicing in the hope that Easter brings. Amen.