Beyond the Small Catechism


I remember learning the Small Catechism when in confirmation class. Is there a large version? If so, how can I get it?


Yes, Martin Luther wrote a Large Catechism as well. We will find it, and all the other Lutheran confessions in the Book of Concord. The Book of Concord is a collection of important Lutheran doctrinal writings that serves as a foundational document for the Lutheran tradition. It was published in 1580 and contains key texts that define Lutheran beliefs and teachings. Some of the most significant writings included in the Book of Concord are the Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, the Large Catechism, and the Small Catechism, all of which were written by Martin Luther and other theologians. It is a large book.

The best version of the Book of Concord for lay people is published by Concordia Publishing House. It is titled Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions-A Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord. They print both a hardback version and a paperback version. (They also print a pocket edition, but I don’t recommend the pocket edition; it does not have the helpful notes included in the larger versions.) You can order a copy from