The intensity of summer is upon us. Summer is a time when many of us seek moments of rest and relaxation in the places that the Lord has placed. As we enter July, the days are long; the sun beats down relentlessly, and yet, the blessings of the Lord are abundant.
This morning’s reading included Psalm 89, which speaks of the intensity of God’s love for his people.
Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
who walk, O LORD, in the light of your face,
who exult in your name all the day
and in your righteousness are exalted.
Psalm 89:15-16 (ESV)
What is this festal shout which the psalmist mentions? The psalm mentions the festal shout, or joyful shout, in the first verse of this psalm. “I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever.” For you and I, the steadfast love of the LORD points us to the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, loves us. This is the reason for our praise. The gospel is God’s forgiveness, which is our indispensable need found only in Christ. Forgiveness is found in His atonement and granted to all who believe in Him. It is a joyful sound because in it, God pardons condemned sinners completely. All past offenses are washed by Jesus’ blood, the penalty all future faults are paid. For this reason, we should join in the shout of joy praising God’s righteousness.
Dearest Lord, give us your Spirit that we might truly walk before You in your presence. Let the festal shout come from our lips that Your name is heard among the peoples that they also lift their voices in praise. Your name, O Lord, is to be exulted and praised day-in and day-out; let it be so even with our voices, For you alone are righteous.
Thank you for the warm welcome to me and my family. My heart was lifted by the celebration of my installation and the bounteous potluck. I am just learning the congregation and town. Please gift me with grace as I learn your names. I look forward to establishing personal connections with each and every one of you and gain a deeper understanding of the distinctive talents and interests that reside within our congregation. I am eager to listen, to learn, and to serve alongside you as we strive to discern God’s purpose for our church and wholeheartedly embody the teachings of Christ.
Please know that my door is always open, and I am available to support you in any way I can. Whether you have questions, concerns, or simply wish to share your joys and struggles, I am here to journey with you. Let us walk together in faith, encouraging and upholding one another as we grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God’s blessings be upon you and your families.
Through the summer, we are continuing a sermon series based on the epistle readings. The series is titled,”The Very Purest Gospel: Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.” Starting on July 9th, the series will focus on the God who gives us the gospel. Hope to see you there.